Posted tagged ‘women in american revolution’

The Domino Effect; Re-discovering the impact of the American Revolution; (American Revolution Series)

August 28, 2011

Impact of the American Revolution: The Domino Effect

Photo Credit: TheGiantVermin (Flickr)

Taking our American Revolution series forward, we realized a need to understand the impact of events. How the revolution impacted the social fabric of the United States and reaction from other countries. The after-effects of the revolution, the domino effect of impacts is what we’re attempting to examine here. Find below the recent three articles:

  • New Constitution of 1787: When was the new constitution of the United States adopted?, What were the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation? What was the Constitutional Convention? When was the new Constitution signed? When was the new Constitution ratified?

  • Impact of Declaration of Independence: What was the American reaction to the Declaration? What was the reaction of Great Britain? What was the reaction of other nations?

  • Impact of Revolution on Social Affairs: How did the American Revolution affect the position of women? What was the effect of the Declaration on slavery? What were the changes were made to the Constitution?

Quote we loved:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence

Your Comments: We will be adding more resources and interesting facts from World War I in coming weeks. Let us know how we’re doing in your tweets, facebook wall updates or comments.

Ash Chopra

Part 2: The Role of Women (American Revolution Series)

August 17, 2011

In continuation of our research and development on the American Revolution, we’re digging deeper and exploring the role of women. It is inspiring to read the stories and facts which come out of a Revolution. We’ve written in detail about three great women of the time. What’s interesting are the quotes we discover. One quote I loved which is so relevant today:

Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition. – Mercy Otis Warren

Find below an insight into the lives of three great women of the American Revolution:

As we continue our journey through the American Revolution, we will add more interesting, insightful nuggets of information. Read on 🙂

– Ash Chopra