Posted tagged ‘South America’

FAQ about Chile

August 1, 2011

What is the capital of Chile?

Chile’s capital is Santiago. Founded by Spanish Conquistadors on February 12, 1541, Santiago is Chile’s largest city, and is located in Chile’s central valley.

How big is Chile?

Chile covers around 756,000 square kilometers.

Where is Chile located?

Chile is located on South America’s southwest coast, bordering the South Pacific Ocean. Chile borders Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia. Chile’s territory also includes Easter Island and other Pacific islands, like Sala y Gomez.

What is the population of Chile?

Chile’s population is estimated at 17 million.

Who is President of Chile?

President Sebastian Piñera

Who are the indigenous people of Chile?

The major group indigenous people of Chile are the Mapuche, a term that encompasses the northern Picunches, the southern Huilliches, and the Moluche native groups. Once occupying most of Chile’s territory, the Mapuche people managed to resist takeover by the Inca Empire, though the Inca Empire did extend into Chile for some time. After the arrival of Spaniards, the Mapuche resisted subjugation, refusing to be enslaved, but they were ultimately pushed northwards by Spanish colonization.

When was Chile colonized?

Ferdinand Magellan of Portugal made first contact with the region in 1520, followed by Spanish conquistadors in 1535, after which Chile became part of the Spanish Empire. Chile remained under Spanish rule until the 1800s.

When did Chile gain independence from Spain?

Chile formed its independent republic on September 18, 1810, with the First Government Junta, or the first step toward Chilean independence. September 18 is celebrated as the National Day of Chile. Several years of struggle and warfare followed.

Chile only achieved its victory over Spain in 1818, with Chile’s Declaration of Independence, which was signed on February 12, 1818.

Who is Augusto Pinochet?

Augusto Pinochet was a military leader and President of Chile who had a major impact on the country, in both good and bad ways.

The 1900s saw years of political instability and an economic depression in Chile, after Salvador Allende’s socialist programs began during his presidency in the 1970s. A bloody military coup on September 11, 1973, led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, resulted in the death of Allende, and the takeover of Pinochet as president. Pinochet was President of Chile from 1973 to 1990, when he was replaced by a democratically elected president. During his 17 year presidency, Pinochet and his government was responsible for both the economic rise of Chile, and the torture and death of many Chileans.

What are the geographical features of Chile?

Chile is a long and narrow country with varied geography from north to south. In the north, the Atacama Desert is the driest desert in the world. Chile’s southern region has forests, volcanoes and mountains, glaciers and fjords. The world’s highest lake is Crater Island, located at Ojos del Salado. Central Chile holds most of the country’s population, including the capital, Santiago. The central region enjoys a Mediterranean climate, beaches, and agriculture. Easter Island and Sala y Gomez are islands off Chile’s coast, and are part of Chile.

Mountains cover about 80% of the country, with the Andes Mountains running along eastern Chile. Chile is a seismic zone, located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. There are more than 30 active volcanoes in Chile, notably Lascar and Llaima. Many major earthquakes have hit Chile in recent history, including the February 27, 2010 earthquake in Chile, which measured 8.8 on the Richter scale. The 2010 Chilean earthquake was felt over 80% of the country, and triggered a tsunami that resulted in billions of dollars worth of damage in Chile, Japan, and California.

What currency is used in Chile?

The Chilean peso (CLP)

What languages are spoken in Chile?

Spanish is the official language of Chile, but Native languages such as the Mapuche language Mapudungun, as well as Quechua, Aymara, and Rapa Nui are also spoken. German and English are spoken in some parts of Chile.

FAQ about Argentina

July 18, 2011

What is the origin of Argentina’s name?

Argentina’s name is derived from the Latin word Argentum, meaning silver. The term was first used to designate the region in an atlas made in 1536, and then in 1602 in a poem called “La Argentina” by Martín del Barco Centenera. Before “Argentina,” the area was commonly referred to as “Rio de la Plata” meaning Silver River, for the rumors of silver deposits found in the nearby mountains.

What is the capital of Argentina?

Argentina’s capital is Buenos Aires, the second largest city in South America. Located along the Rio de la Plata on Argentina’s northeast coast, Buenos Aires is an autonomous city, and is not part of the Buenos Aires province. 

What countries border Argentina?

While Argentina covers most of the southern portion of South America, Chile occupies the narrow strip of coastline to its west. Bolivia and Paraguay border Argentina on the north, and Brazil and Uruguay on the northeast. The southernmost tip of Argentina is not far from Antarctica, and Argentina has claimed a portion of Antarctica as its territory, though it is disputed and overlaps with territory claimed by Britain and Chile.

How big is Argentina?

Argentina is 2,780,400 square kilometers, which makes it the 8th largest country by size and the largest Spanish speaking country in the world. Argentina contains 23 provinces and one autonomous city, Buenos Aires.

What is the population of Argentina?

Argentina’s population is estimated at around 40 million people.

What languages are spoken in Argentina?

Spanish is the primary and official language spoken in Argentina, but Italian, English, German, and French are also commonly spoken. Argentina is considered a country of immigrants because of colonization by Europeans in the 19th and 20th centuries. Most immigrants were from Spain and Italy, influencing the Spanish accent of Argentina, which is similar to Neapolitan Italian.

Several indigenous languages, including Araucano, Guarani, and Quechua are also recognized as regional languages.

When did Argentina achieve independence?

Argentina was first discovered by European explorers in 1516, and soon settled by the Spanish, who occupied much of South America at the time. The May Revolution in 1810 marked the beginning of Argentina’s fight for independence, beginning with rejecting Viceroy Baltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, and instating a local government instead. The Argentine War of Independence lasted from 1810 to 1818, ending with independence from Spain declared on July 9, 1816.

Who are the Gauchos?

A gaucho is a South American cowboy from the Pampas region of Argentina as well as other parts of southern South America. In the region’s history, the nomadic, cattle-herding gauchos made up a large portion of the rural community, and are responsible for the high quality steaks for which Argentina is known. The gauchos served as a nationalistic symbol to represent freedom during the Argentinean revolution and journey for independence, not unlike the icon of the American cowboy: strong and willing to fight when necessary.

Does Argentina have an official religion?

Though the government is required to support Roman Catholicism, the people of Argentina are guaranteed religious freedom. Still, over 90% of Argentina’s population consider themselves Christian, primarily Roman Catholic. Argentina does, however, contain the largest Jewish population in Latin America.

What are the largest cities in Argentina?

  1. Buenos Aires
  2. Córdoba
  3. Rosario
  4. Mendoza
  5. Tucumán

Where did tango originate?

The dance and music known as Tango originated in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Influenced by both African and European music styles, Tango was created by the working class of the Rio de la Plata region, which included many European immigrants. The style quickly spread and became popular among the upper class and around the world.