Posted tagged ‘san marino’

San Marino

August 14, 2011

What is San Marino?

San Marino is an independent republic within Italy, and the oldest sovereign state still in existence. San Marino is the 3rd smallest country in Europe after Holy See and Monaco. The nation is sometimes called the “Most Serene Republic of San Marino” and its people are known as Sammarinese. Because of its location within Italy, San Marino shares many aspects of Italian culture, including its food and language.

What is the population of San Marino?

San Marino’s population is about 31,000. San Marino’s population has the 3rd longest life expectancy of any country in the world, after Monaco and Macau.

How big is San Marino?

San Marino spans about 61 square miles.

What is the capital of San Marino?

The City of San Marino is the capital of San Marino.

What are the administrative divisions of San Marino?

San Marino is divided into 9 castles (castelli):

  • San Marino (capital)
  • Acquaviva
  • Borgo Maggiore
  • Chiesanuova
  • Domagnano
  • Faetano
  • Fiorentino
  • Montegiardino
  • Serravalle

When was San Marino founded?

San Marino was founded as a monastic community on September 3, 301. A stonemason from the island of Rab (off the coast of modern-day Croatia), named Marinus, who later became Saint Marinus, founded the city-state. Marinus fled to what became San Marino because of religious persecution during the Diocletianic Persecution in the Roman empire.

San Marino’s constitution is the world’s oldest still in effect, written in the year 1600, and its independence as a country was recognized by the Pope in 1631.

During Italian unification in the 1800s, San Marino was supportive of the unification efforts of Garibaldi, who then allowed San Marino to remain independent from Italy, rather than forcing its incorporation into Italy.

Where is San Marino?

San Marino is an enclave of Italy, meaning it is completely surrounded by the country. San Marino is located in the mountains of the Apennine in Northern Italy, close to the Adriatic Sea, though it does not have any coastline. San Marino is situated between Italian regions Emilia Romagna and Marche. The Italian city, Rimini, is the beach town next to San Marino.

What language is spoken in San Marino?

Italian is the main language spoken in San Marino, and the Italian dialect Emiliano-Romagnolo (of the nearby region of Italy, Emilia Romagna) is also commonly spoken.

Who are the political leaders of San Marino?

San Marino is led by two Co-chiefs of State, known as captains regent, who are elected every 6 months.

Captain Regent Maria Berti

Captain Regent Filippo Tamagnini

San Marino’s head of government is Secretary of State Antonella Mularoni.

What is the currency used in San Marino?

Though San Marino is not a member of the European Union, it does use the euro as its currency because of an arrangement based on its close ties to Italy. San Marino even has euro coins with its national designs.

Before adopting the euro, San Marino used the Sammarinese lira, which was similar to the Italian lira.

What religions are practiced in San Marino?

Catholicism is the main religion by an overwhelming majority of about 97% of the population. There is also a small minority of Jews in San Marino, and the city-state served as a refuge for persecuted Jews during World War II.

What are the major aspects of San Marino’s geography?

San Marino is located entirely in the hills of the Apennine, with none of the city at ground-level. This aspect of San Marino’s geography has probably helped the country remain independent throughout its history, as it makes it largely inaccessible. In central San Marino, Monte Titano towers high above the nation, as the highest peak. The 3 peaks of Mount Titano each contain a tower, known collectively as the Three Towers of San Marino. The “Three Towers” are the namesake for San Marino’s famous cake, Torta di Tre Monti.