Posted tagged ‘leaders in 1914’

World War I Series: Who called the shots in 1914?

August 24, 2011

President Woodrow WIlson

US President Woodrow Wilson & World War I

In continuation of our ‘World War I’ series, we have added more resources on the leadership during the war. Particularly the role of US President Woodrow Wilson during this period. World War I was the first time most of the world’s major countries were involved in warfare with over 70 million military personnel and catastrophic 9 million casualties. Resources recently added in this section:

  • World Leaders in 1914:  The leaders of the Allied and Central nations in 1914 played an important role in the diplomatic developments in the pre-war times and also chalked the course of the World War I.  Learn about active leaders from different countries in this period.
  • President Woodrow Wilson: Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924) was the 28th President of the USA. President Wilson held his office from 1913 to 1921 and led America through World War I.  Learn about his Political Career, his role in World War I, his Ideology and winning the Nobel Prize.
  • Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points: When did President Wilson first refer to these Fourteen Points? Who drafted these Fourteen Points? What was the intent? What were the Fourteen Points?
  • Congressional Speech: President Woodrow Wilson’s Congressional Speech, January 8, 1918.

Your Comments:
We will be adding more resources and interesting facts from World War I in coming weeks. Let us know how we’re doing in your tweets, facebook wall updates or comments.

Ash Chopra