Posted tagged ‘Kaiser Wilhelm II’

The Last Monarchs of Europe (World War I Series)

August 27, 2011

In our ongoing research and development on World War I, it was fascinating to learn about the monarchs and emperors who called the shots in Europe. In building our section on World War I, we covered life and facts on some prominent players in the war and the role they played. Find below resources on the archduke of Austria-Este , Prince of Hungary and Bohemia and the last emperor of Germany.

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand: The Archduke of Austria-Este and the Prince of Hungary and Bohemia Education and Military Career, Marriage, Assassination.

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II: The last emperor of Germany, Emperor Wilhelm’s Reign, Emperor Wilhelm and World War I, Abdication and Exile

Your Comments: We will be adding more resources and interesting facts from World War I in coming weeks. Let us know how we’re doing in your tweets, facebook wall updates or comments.

Ash Chopra