Posted tagged ‘Geographic Puzzle Game’

Jigsaw Map Puzzle: An Easy and Interesting Game to Get Free from Boring Mapping Task

June 22, 2010

When I was eight standard student, my geography teacher had been used to give me some task of mapping everyday that was most boring for me; however, I could not find any solution how to get rid of from mapping task. With the passage of time, all these issues became past and I forget entirely. But the Jigsaw Map Puzzle once again resurrected my past memory of mapping task. The difference is merely of interest; the childhood mapping task was boring and Jigsaw Map Puzzle is pretty interesting.

In deed, it was not only me rather most of the children across the globe have reported mapping task is tiresome. But with the fusion of advanced technology with simple mapping task has made it not only informative but also very interesting. Some of the attention-grabbing features have been added with the Jigsaw Map Puzzle game that do not let you lose your attention and interests viz…

• Time Factor: Every puzzle game has set fixed period of time so you need to finish the game in the given period of time, otherwise you will lose the game.

• Choose yourself: There are various options of maps such as world maps, continents map, and country maps; all sections have three levels. So, you can select according to your interest.

• Various Levels: There three levels of the game i.e. easy, medium, and hard. At the first level the size of pieces are bigger and total pieces are 12, in the second level, the pieces are smaller and 24 in numbers, and in the last level the size of pieces are even smaller and total numbers are 48.

• High Score: The better you play, the higher you score.

• Challenge your friends: This is one of the most interesting features of Jigsaw Map Puzzle. With the help of this feature, you can instigate your friends simply by sending mail, through tweeter, or even by facebook.

The Jigsaw Map Puzzle is designed very intelligently so that you do not need to put additional effort to understand the game.

As you can see in the image given above – there are four sections i.e. World Maps, Continent Maps, Country Maps, and Most Played Maps. Each section has four options; to play the game you only need to click over the option whichever you like most. As you click the map, you will get the complete map but after few seconds, it will disintegrate into many pieces (depending upon the level you selected) and now you need to arrange all the pieces at their respective places.

Moreover, the game is quite informative and I personally found – this concept perceptively solves the monotony of mapping task. Children could have lots of fun while playing Jigsaw Map Puzzle game. So, explore the world geographic positions of continents and countries by playing Jigsaw Map Puzzle on