Posted tagged ‘French’

The French and Iroquois Wars (Beaver Wars)

August 11, 2011

What were the French and Iroquois Wars?
The Beaver Wars, or the French and Iroquois Wars, were a series of conflicts in the mid-seventeenth century. The Iroquois tribes, who lived in the Northeastern United States, wanted to extend their territory in all directions and take over the fur trade between the tribes of the region and the European settlers. This competition for monopolization of the fur trade, which was heavily dependent on beaver pelts, became known as the Beaver Wars.

The Iroquois had trade relations with the Dutch and the British, who in turn, helped arm the natives with modern weapons. These weapons emboldened the Iroquois, leading to their fight for expansion. This series of wars were some of the bloodiest in American history.

Who fought in the Beaver Wars?
The Iroquois, who allied with the English and Dutch, fought the Huron and Algonquin tribes, who were backed by the French.

The tribes involved were the Iroquois group, Huron, Neutral Nation, Erie,  and Susquehannock.

Who were the Iroquois?
The Iroquois Confederation or Iroquois League was an association of Iroquois-speaking tribes located in the Northeastern United States, especially concentrated in the area that is now upstate New York. The Iroquois called themselves Haudenosaunee, meaning “people of the longhouse.” Not all Iroquois-speaking tribes were allied with the League.

The Iroquois Confederation was created as a result of European colonization, while the League was more for ceremonial and cultural reasons.

The original Five Nations of the Iroquois League were Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. In 1722, these five tribes were joined by the Tuscarora, and the group became the Six Nations.

Why was beaver fur so important?
By the time European colonists arrived in the New World, beaver fur hats were a widespread fashion trend in Europe. European beavers were hunted to near extinction for their furs, so when Europeans discovered the North American Beaver, they saw new opportunities to make money by importing beaver furs back to Europe.

The North American Beaver was especially prevalent in the Northeastern United States and Canada, encouraging European exploration and settlement in the region. The Native American tribes had hunted beaver for their meat and their fur, and when they found that Europeans sought beaver fur, they began trading with them. Native Americans exchanged the fur for advanced weapons, tools, beads, and other European goods, which were highly valued among the natives.

The competition for land where beavers were present led to conflicts between the native tribes, and with European settlers.

When were the French and Iroquois Wars?

The Beaver War conflicts lasted throughout the 1600s.  Conflicts began around 1610 and continued through the 1670s.
What happened during the Beaver Wars?

In 1610, Dutch settlers established a trading post on the edge of Iroquois territory, allowing them  access to European markets without needing a middleman. Previously, the French and their native allies had served as middlemen between Iroquois and the Dutch, so cutting out the French colonists angered the French, and the conflict began. The Iroquois began aggressively hunting, as it became more profitable for them.

In 1638, the Iroquois, pushed by the Mohawk leaders, began expanding their territory to gain access to more hunting grounds. They first moved east toward the Great Lakes, taking out the Wenro tribe. In 1641, the Mohawks attempted to make peace with the French, but the French refused, citing their alliance with the Huron tribe. In response, the Mohawks attacked the Huron. This conflict lasted until 1645, when the French offered peace and trade rights to the Iroquois. A year later, when the Iroquois  were ready to trade, the French refused. The Iroquois resumed the war.

The Dutch helped arm the Iroquois with guns around 1648, giving them a strong advantage over the Huron, who were the final barrier between Iroquois territory and the French. Once the Iroquois took the Huron, they began attacking the French.

In the 1650s, the Iroquois proceeded to attack and take the territories of the Neutral Nation and the Erie.

The Iroquois attacked the Susquehannock in 1663, and a war between them broke out, lasting 11 years. The Susquehannock were aided by the English, who supplied them with weapons. The war finally ended when the English switched their loyalties to the Iroquois.

Where were the French and Iroquois Wars?

These conflicts began around the Fingerlakes region of modern day upstate New York, where the Iroquois originated. The Iroquois first pushed westward, taking over the Great Lakes region. Once they had achieved that, the Iroquois moved northward into what is now Canada.