American Revolution Series: The Doctrine, The Articles and the Bill of Rights

The American Revolution led to the refinement of the democratic system as we know today. Together these three updates form the foundation of the democratic system in America today.

The Doctrine of Civic Republicanism: What is the doctrine of Civic Republicanism? What is the difference between Direct and Participatory Democracy and Representative Democracy? Read more

The Bill of Rights: What was the Bill of Rights? Why was the Bill of Rights created? When was the Bill of Rights ratified? Read more

Articles of Confederation: What were the Articles of Confederation? Why were the Articles of Confederation framed? What were tenets of the Articles of Confederation? What is the significance of the Articles of Confederation? When were the Articles ratified? Read more

An interesting quote from the era rings true even today:

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government – lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” – Patrick Henry

Your Comments?  In our ongoing American Revolution series, our team is working on creating insightful resources on the period, to create an online legacy. Feel free to let us know in comments, tweets or facebook wall updates about what you’d like to see in this series, we will be sure to include your requests.

Ash Chopra

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