Europe Fast Facts

Continent name: Europe

Story behind the name: It is widely believed that Europe is named  after “Europa”, the Phoenician princess from Greek mythology.

Area:  Europe has a land area of  10,181,000 square kilometers or 3,837,000  square miles.

Population: Upwards of 731,000,000, according to 2009 estimates.

Center of Europe: The location of the geographical center of Europe is widely contested, with over 10 cities/villages vying for this honor. Each claimant  is right, as far as their methodology of marking the hypothetical center of Europe is concerned.  Methodologies and their appropriateness are highly subjective, hence this contest is unlikely to have a clear winner. However, one of the finest “record keepers” of our times—the Guinness  Book of World Records—states that the village of Bernotai in Lithuania is the geographic center of Europe.  The government of Lithuania has erected a monument to mark the location  – 54 degrees, 54 minutes latitude and 25 degrees, 19 minutes longitude.

Monument Marking Center of Europe

Center of Europe in Lithuania

Euro: Euro as a common currency is used by 23 countries:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Cyprus
  4. Estonia
  5. Finland
  6. France
  7. Germany
  8. Greece
  9. Ireland
  10. Italy
  11. Luxembourg
  12. Malta
  13. Netherlands
  14. Portugal
  15. Slovakia
  16. Slovenia
  17. Spain
  18. Montenegro (Not a member state of European Union)
  19. Andorra (Not a member state of European Union)
  20. Monaco (Not a member state of European Union)
  21. San Marino (Not a member state of European Union)
  22. The Vatican (Not a member state of European Union)
  23. Kosovo (Status of Kosovo as a country is disputed by Serbia and a few other nations; not a member state of European Union)

Member countries of European Union: As on date, there are 27 member countries:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Cyprus
  5. Czech Republic
  6. Denmark
  7. Estonia
  8. Finland
  9. France
  10. Germany
  11. Greece
  12. Hungary
  13. Ireland
  14. Italy
  15. Latvia
  16. Lithuania
  17. Luxembourg
  18. Malta
  19. Netherlands
  20. Poland
  21. Portugal
  22. Romania
  23. Slovakia
  24. Slovenia
  25. Spain
  26. Sweden
  27. United Kingdom

Headquarters / Seat of European Union: Brussels

List of countries: 47 + Iceland = 48. Iceland is closer to North America, but as it is culturally closer to Europe, historians and geographers prefer to count it as a European country. Here is the list of all the 48 countries:

  1. Albania
  2. Andorra
  3. Armenia
  4. Austria
  5. Belarus
  6. Belgium
  7. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  8. Bulgaria
  9. Croatia
  10. Cyprus
  11. Czech Republic
  12. Denmark
  13. Estonia
  14. Finland
  15. France
  16. Georgia
  17. Germany
  18. Greece
  19. Hungary
  20. Iceland
  21. Ireland
  22. Italy
  23. Kosovo
  24. Latvia
  25. Liechtenstein
  26. Lithuania
  27. Luxembourg
  28. Macedonia
  29. Malta
  30. Moldova
  31. Monaco
  32. Montenegro
  33. Netherlands
  34. Norway
  35. Poland
  36. Portugal
  37. Romania
  38. Russia
  39.  San Marino
  40.  Serbia
  41. Slovakia
  42. Slovenia
  43. Spain
  44. Sweden
  45. Switzerland
  46. Ukraine
  47. United Kingdom
  48. Vatican City

Top 10 cities in Europe (by population):

  1. Istanbul
  2. Moscow
  3. London
  4. St Petersburg
  5. Berlin
  6. Madrid
  7. Rome
  8. Kiev
  9. Paris
  10. Bucharest

Ref: Map of Europe

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  1. […] prefer to count it as a European country. Here is the list of all the 48 countries: … .. Share and […]

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